
Fonetik 2024

The beautiful logo.
Välkommen till det 34e svenska fonetikmötet, Fonetik 2024. Mötet arrangeras av fonetikerna på Stockholm universitet med stöd av Fonetikstiftelsen, och går från lunch till lunch 3-5 juni 2024 på Campus Albano. (se "Hitta hit" för mer information). Welcome to the 34th Swedish phonetics meeting, Fonetik 2024. The meeting i sarranged by the phoneticians at Stockholm university, and takes place from lunch to lunch June 3rd - 5th at Campus Albano (see "Venue" for more info).
På den här webbplatsen hittar du samlad information om mötet. Innehållet på platsen uppdateras kontinuerligt under upprinningen till mötet och en tid därefter, sedan fryser vi innehållet men behåller webbplatsen som ett arkiv. At this web site you will find all materials related to the meeting. Its contents are updated continuously during the run-up to the meeting and for a while after, then we freeze the content but keep the site as an archive.
Mötet har som vanligt uppmuntrat bidrag inom alla områden med anknytning till fonetik och tal - till exempel fonologi, lingvistik, datorlingvistik, logopedi, röstforskning, musik och sång, konversationsanalys och samtalsanalys, psykologi, kognitionsvetenskap, tal- och språkteknologi, signalprocessning, och maskininlärning. As usual, the meeting invites contributions from all areas related to phonetics and speech, for example phonology, linguistics, computational linguistics, speech therapy, voice research, music and song, discourse analysis and conversation analysis, psychology, cognitive science, speech and language technology, signal processing and machine learning.
Bidragen på fonetikmötet handlar om både svenska, nordiska, och mer främmande språk, och mötet har traditionellt haft regelbundna besök av forskare från grannländerna och inte sällan mer långväga deltagare. Språket för presentationer och plenara diskussioner är sedan mitten av 2010-talet engelska, vilket ger bättre möjligheter både för besökare och för doktorander från andra språkmiljöer. The contributions at the phonetics meeting are about Swedish, Nordic and other, more foreign languages, and the meeting is often visited by researchers from neighbouring countries and occasionally more long-distance participants. The language for presentations and plenary discussions has been English since the mid-10s, which provides better opportunities for both visitors and doctoral students from other language environments to participate.

Hitta hit Venue

The beautiful logo.
Mötet äger rum på Campus Albano, Greta Arwidssons Väg 30, i Stockholm. The takes place at Campus Albano Greta Arwidssons Väg 30, in Stockholm.

Schema Schedule

The beautiful logo.

Måndag 3 juniMonday June 3rd


Registrering Registration

12:00 - 13:00
Registreringen äger rum i konferensrummet Pärlan, Albano house 1, floor 6 via elevator. The registration takes place in the conference room Pärlan, Albano house 1, floor 6 via elevator.


Välkommen Welcome

13:00 - 13:15

Kaffepaus Cofee break

13:00 - 13:15

Session 2: Voice and other vocalisations

14:15 - 14:45

Paus Break

15:45 - 16:00


Session 3: Child speech acquisition and AAC

16:00 - 17:00

The production and perception of phrase prominence in pre-schoolers from Stockholm and Scania [Abstract]

Gilbert Ambrazaitis, Althaus, N., Bertilsson, C., Löhndorf, S., Romøren, A. S., Sayehli, S.

Assessing Children’s Pronunciation of Nordic Languages [Abstract]

Haug Olstad, A. M., Smolander, A., Sofia Strömbergsson, Ylinen, S., Lehtonen, M., Kurimo, M., Getman, Y., Grósz, T., Cao, X., Svendsen, T., & Giampiero Salvi

Mottagning på Pärlans terass Reception on the Pärlan terrace


Tisdag 4 juniTuesday June 4th



Kaffepaus Coffee break

10:00 - 10:30

Session 5: Speech technology

10:30 - 11:30

Novelty search on vocal models

Grouwels, J., Jonason, N., & Sturm, B. L. T.

Simulating hypernasality with phonological features in Swedish TTS

Näslund, A., Tånnander, C., Strömbergsson, S., & Włodarczak, M.


11:30 - 13:00


Session 6: Symposium för att fira Björn Lindbloms 90-årsdag Symposium in celebration of Björn Lindblom’s 90th birthday

13:00 - 15:00
Axel Ekström


Why only a "great" primate discovered speech: A progress report on evolving vocal repertoires

Vocal tract proportions and the evolution of speech: New data to answer old questions

Apical /u/ (and other impractical articulations) [Abstract]

Axel G. Ekström, Briseño-Jaramillo, Margarita, Pascual-Guàrdia, Carla, Berthet, Melissa, Sward, Kayla, Le Floch, Auriane, Wegdell, Franziska, Lemasson, Alban, Fischer, Julia, Soldati, Adrian, Friedrichs, Daniel, Wich, Serge, Holmer, Sonja, Bosshard, Alexandra B., Halenar-Price, Lauren, Desphande, Adwait, Shearer, Brian M., Kirkham, Sam, Friedrichs, Daniel, Strait, David S., Moran, Steven, Edlund, Jens

The Emergence of Stability in Infant Vocal Production: A Model Based on Acoustic Analysis

Christopher Cox, Marilyn May Vihman

Daniel Friedrichs, Axel G Ekström, Sam Kirkham, Steven Moran

Anatomical correlates of articulatory ranges of motion: An EMA study

Jaw complex: openness, prominence, and dynamics

Malin Svensson Lundmark, Donna Erickson

Effects of Information Load and Pragmatic Load on the Hypo-Hyper Continuum

Sara Ng, Valerie Freeman, Gina-Anne Levow, Mari Ostendorf, Richard Wright

Kaffe med födelsedagstårta Coffe and Birthday Cake

10:00 - 10:30

Round Table on Human speech: Thinking about the how and the why

15:30 - 16:30 Introduktion av Björn LindblomIntroduction by Björn Lindblom

Session 7: ProsodiProsody

16:30 - 17:45

Norwegian dialect identification: is prosody enough? [Abstract]

Parsons, P., Strømholt Bremnes, H., Kvale, K., Svendsen, T., & Salvi, G.

Modeling, synthesis and 3D printing of tube vocal tract models with a codeless graphical user interface

Zhang, K., Song, R., Tu, R., Edlund, J., Beskow, J., & Ekström, A. G.

The function of North Germanic word accents

Roll, M., Kwon, J., Hjortdal, A., Söderström, P., Lulaci, T., Chien, P.-J., Novén, M., Gosselke Berthelsen, S.



Middag i lingvistiks fikarum Dinner in the coffee area of the dept. of linguistics


Onsdag 5 juniWednesday June 5th

Socialt program Social programme

The beautiful logo.
Receptionen äger rum på måndagen i Albano och konferensmiddagen på tisdagen på lingvistikinstitutionen. Dessutom fika, förstås, med ett speciellt fika på tisdag eftermiddag för att fira Björn Lindblom. Se schemat. The reception takes place on Monday at Albano and the conference dinner on Tuesday at the institution for linguistics. Add to that coffee breaks, with a special coffee break on Tuesday afternoon to celebrate Björn Lindblom. See the schedule.

Proceedings Proceedings

The beautiful logo.
  • Exploring the implications of discrete categories along an acoustic correlate

    Author Perry, Scott James Tucker, Benjamin V. Warner, Natasha Simonet, Miquel
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 1–6
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Exploring the implications of discrete categories along an acoustic correlate
  • When aspiration meets voicing: Native Danish speakers’ production of Spanish initial stop voicing

    Author Ahle, Rane S. Bohn, Ocke-Schwen
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 7–12
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI When aspiration meets voicing: Native Danish speakers’ production of Spanish initial stop voicing

    Measuring the informativity of F3 for rounded and unrounded high-front vowels in Central Swedish

    Author Persson, Anna Jaeger, T. Florian
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 13–18
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Measuring the informativity of F3 for rounded and unrounded high-front vowels in Central Swedish

    The Descriptive Approach to Segmental Articulations (DASA): New definitions on acceleration landmarks [Abstract]

    Author Svensson Lundmark, Malin Erickson, Donna
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 19–20
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI The Descriptive Approach to Segmental Articulations (DASA): New definitions on acceleration landmarks [Abstract]

    Mapping the effect of body position: Voice quality differences in connected speech

    Author Engström, Helena Włodarczak, Marcin Ternström, Sten
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 21–26
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Mapping the effect of body position: Voice quality differences in connected speech

    Gravity and anti-gravity behaviour in speech production

    Author Włodarczak, Marcin Fuchs, Susanne Heldner, Mattias Strycharczuk, Patrycja Sundberg, Johan
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 27–32
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Gravity and anti-gravity behaviour in speech production

    A phonetician’s reading of Darwin’s notes on the vocal

    Author Hejná, Míša
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 33–38
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI A phonetician’s reading of Darwin’s notes on the vocal

    Does purring “ronron” in the family? A longitudinal and intra-family study of purring in a female cheetah as a cub and as an adult and purring in her father as an adult and brother as a cub

    Author Eklund, Robert
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 39–44
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Does purring “ronron” in the family? A longitudinal and intra-family study of purring in a female cheetah as a cub and as an adult and purring in her father as an adult and brother as a cub

    The production and perception of phrase prominence in pre-schoolers from Stockholm and Scania [Abstract]

    Author Ambrazaitis, Gilbert Althaus, Nadja Bertilsson, Charlotte Löhndorf, Simone Romøren, Anna Sara H. Sayehli, Susan
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 45–46
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI The production and perception of phrase prominence in pre-schoolers from Stockholm and Scania [Abstract]

    Assessing Children’s Pronunciation of Nordic Languages [Abstract]

    Author Haug Olstad, Anne Marte Smolander, Anna Strömbergsson, Sofia Ylinen, Sari Lehtonen, Minna Kurimo, Mikko Getman, Yaroslav Grósz, Tamás Cao, Xinwei Svendsen, Torbjørn Salvi, Giampiero
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 47–48
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Assessing Children’s Pronunciation of Nordic Languages [Abstract]

    Analysis of text-reading speech produced by Japanese primary school children (age 6-12): Focus on Topic-Comment structure

    Author Nagano-Madsen, Yasuko
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 49–54
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Analysis of text-reading speech produced by Japanese primary school children (age 6-12): Focus on Topic-Comment structure

    Enhancing AAC Devices with Generative AI to enable Contextual Style-Adaptive Expressive Speech [Abstract]

    Author Francis, Juliana Székely, Éva Gustafson, Joakim
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 55–56
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Enhancing AAC Devices with Generative AI to enable Contextual Style-Adaptive Expressive Speech [Abstract]

    The role of F0 and Vowel Formant Dispersion in cis-gender female-male flirting interactions

    Author Habekost, Emma Boyd, Zac Hejná, Míša
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 57–64
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI The role of F0 and Vowel Formant Dispersion in cis-gender female-male flirting interactions

    An inclusive approach to creating a palette of TTS voices for gender diversity [Abstract]

    Author Székely, Éva Hope, Maxwell
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 65–66
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI An inclusive approach to creating a palette of TTS voices for gender diversity [Abstract]

    How can quantitative measures of social age help us analyse uptalk?

    Author Jespersen, Anna Hejná, Míša
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 67–72
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI How can quantitative measures of social age help us analyse uptalk?

    Reference values for vowel formant frequencies in adult vocally healthy Swedish speakers: Comparison of text reading and carrier phrases [Abstract]

    Author Larsson Diver, Halina Södersten, Maria Granqvist, Svante Nygren, Ulrika
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 73–74
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Reference values for vowel formant frequencies in adult vocally healthy Swedish speakers: Comparison of text reading and carrier phrases [Abstract]

    Novelty Search on Vocal Models

    Author Grouwels, Joris Jonason, Nicolas Sturm, Bob L.T.
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 75–80
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Novelty Search on Vocal Models

    Simulating hypernasality with phonological features in Swedish TTS

    Author Näslund, Alexander Tånnander, Christina Strömbergsson, Sofia Włodarczak, Marcin
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 81–88
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Simulating hypernasality with phonological features in Swedish TTS An online tool for automatic phonetic annotation

    Author Young, Nathan Joel Anikwe, Kaosi
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 89–94
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI An online tool for automatic phonetic annotation

    Towards quality transcriptions of large limited domain archive data

    Author O'Regan, Jim Edlund, Jens
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 95–100
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Towards quality transcriptions of large limited domain archive data

    Why only a “great” primate discovered speech: A progress report on evolving vocal repertoires

    Author Ekström, Axel G. Briseño-Jaramillo, Margarita Pascual-Guàrdia, Carla Berthet, Melissa Sward, Kayla Le Floch, Auriane Wegdell, Franziska Lemasson, Alban Fischer, Julia Soldati, Adrian Friedrichs, Daniel Wich, Serge Holmer, Sonja Bosshard, Alexandra B. Halenar-Price, Lauren Desphande, Adwait Shearer, Brian M. Moran, Steven Edlund, Jens
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 101–108
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Why only a “great” primate discovered speech: A progress report on evolving vocal repertoires

    Vocal tract proportions and the evolution of speech: New data to answer old questions

    Author Moran, Steven Kirkham, Sam Friedrichs, Daniel Strait, David S. Ekström, Axel G.
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 109–114
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Vocal tract proportions and the evolution of speech: New data to answer old questions

    Apical /u/ (and other impractical articulations) [Abstract]

    Author Edlund, Jens Ekström, Axel
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 115–116
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Apical /u/ (and other impractical articulations) [Abstract]

    The Emergence of Stability in Infant Vocal Production: A Model Based on Acoustic Analysis

    Author Cox, Christopher Vihman, Marilyn May
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 117–122
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI The Emergence of Stability in Infant Vocal Production: A Model Based on Acoustic Analysis

    Anatomical correlates of articulatory ranges of motion: An EMA study

    Author Friedrichs, Daniel Ekström, Axel G. Kirkham, Sam Moran, Steven
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 123–128
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Anatomical correlates of articulatory ranges of motion: An EMA study

    Jaw complex: openness, prominence, and dynamics

    Author Svensson Lundmark, Malin Erickson, Donna
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 129–134
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Jaw complex: openness, prominence, and dynamics

    Effects of Information Load and Pragmatic Load on the Hypo-Hyper Continuum

    Author Ng, Sara Freeman, Valerie Levow, Gina-Anne Ostendorf, Mari Wright, Richard
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 135–140
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Effects of Information Load and Pragmatic Load on the Hypo-Hyper Continuum

    Human speech - Thinking about the how and the why

    Author Lindblom, Björn
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 141–148
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Human speech - Thinking about the how and the why

    Norwegian dialect identification: Is prosody enough? [Abstract]

    Author Parsons, Phoebe Strømholt Bremnes, Heming Kvale, Knut Svendsen, Torbjørn Salvi, Giampiero
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 149–150
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Norwegian dialect identification: Is prosody enough? [Abstract]

    Neural semantic effects of Swedish word accents [Abstract]

    Author Kwon, Jinhee Roll, Mikael
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 151–152
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Neural semantic effects of Swedish word accents [Abstract]

    The Cumulative-Cue Hypotheses: An account of understanding the multimodal nature of prosodic prominence [Abstract]

    Author Ambrazaitis, Gilbert House, David
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 153–154
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI The Cumulative-Cue Hypotheses: An account of understanding the multimodal nature of prosodic prominence [Abstract]

    Modeling, synthesis and 3D printing of tube vocal tract models with a codeless graphical user interface

    Author Zhang, Kecheng Song, Runhui Tu, Rui Edlund, Jens Beskow, Jonas Ekström, Axel G.
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 155–160
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Modeling, synthesis and 3D printing of tube vocal tract models with a codeless graphical user interface

    The function of North Germanic word accents

    Author Roll, Mikael Kwon, Jinhee Hjortdal, Anna Söderström, Pelle Lulaci, Tugba Chien, Pei-Ju Novén, Mikael Gosselke Berthelsen, Sabine
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 161–166
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI The function of North Germanic word accents

    Somali pitch accent from a typological perspective

    Author Nagano-Madsen, Yasuko Nilsson, Morgan
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 167–172
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Somali pitch accent from a typological perspective

    Final lowering in contacting African tone languages: A study of variation in postlexical prosody

    Author Konoshenko, Maria Khachaturyan, Maria
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 173–178
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Final lowering in contacting African tone languages: A study of variation in postlexical prosody

    Onomatopoeia in contact languages – similarities and differences between Meänkieli, Swedish, Finnish, Kven and Sami

    Author Abelin, Åsa Emanuelsson, Anders
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 179–184
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Onomatopoeia in contact languages – similarities and differences between Meänkieli, Swedish, Finnish, Kven and Sami

    Cross-linguistic competition across three languages in L3 Swedish spoken sentences [Abstract]

    Author Kashevarova, Yulia
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 185–186
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Cross-linguistic competition across three languages in L3 Swedish spoken sentences [Abstract]

    Markers of decision points in three classical collaborative ranking tasks [Abstract]

    Author Esfandiari Baiat, Ghazaleh Edlund, Jens
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 187–188
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Markers of decision points in three classical collaborative ranking tasks [Abstract]

    Swedish Embodied Pronunciation Training: A project presentation [Abstract]

    Author Raschellà, Federica Splendido, Frida Ambrazaitis, Gilbert
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 189–190
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Swedish Embodied Pronunciation Training: A project presentation [Abstract]

    Towards a sustainable approach regarding speech and language technology! What standards/guidelines are needed? [Abstract]

    Author Lindqvist, Maria
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 191–192
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Towards a sustainable approach regarding speech and language technology! What standards/guidelines are needed? [Abstract]

    Request For Comments: A functionally motivated Swedish phoneme inventory for speech technology [Abstract]

    Author Edlund, Jens Tånnander, Christina
    Date 3-5 june 2024
    Language en
    Place Stockholm
    Publisher Stockholm university
    Pages 193–194
    Proceedings Title Proc. of Fonetik 2024
    Conference Name Fonetik 2024 - the XXXIVth Swedish Phonetics Conference
    DOI Request For Comments: A functionally motivated Swedish phoneme inventory for speech technology [Abstract]

    Registrering Registration

    The beautiful logo.
    Registreringen är stängd, men har ni frågor om registrering så går det bra att kontakta oss på Fonetik 2024s epost. The registration is closed now, but if you have questions about registration, you can contact us at Fonetik 2024's email.

    Kontakt och organisation Contact & organisation

    The beautiful logo.


    Kontakta oss på Fonetik 2024s epost. Contact us at Fonetik 2024's email.


    Mötet organiseras i år av fonetikerna på institutionen för lingvistik på Stockholms universitet. This year the meeting is organised by th ephoneticians at the department of linguistics at Stockholm university.


    Ett extra tack till Fonetikstiftelsen som även i år bidragit till att hålla nere kostnaderna för deltagarna. Special thanks to Fonetikstiftelsen for once again helping to keep down the costs for the participants.